FGC Services Limited is a business, currently operating in New Providence, The Bahamas. The company was established in late 1999. The company is incorporated, has an established Board of Directors, shareholders, a business consultant and an office manager.
The company operates in Kings Court, Bay Street and is ideally located, as it is in the heart of the business center of New Providence. Thus access to many businesses is a matter of short walking distance away. Additionally, key administrative offices and companies major banks are but a short distance away.
The company’s clientele is currently made up of small businesses, entrepreneurs and churches. The major services provided include clerical, secretarial, administrative and bookkeeping services. Other services include social media management, public speaking support, event planning and research assistance. The company also offers executive concierge services to businessmen and women such as mail collection & deliveries, messenger services and banking services. In association with its affiliate Bright Light Advisory Services, personal financial planning, business consulting and business financial planning services are also provided.
With the increase of small business owners, persons do not have the desire to become involved in the daily operations of managing a company. With the passing of legislation, all businesses will require modern bookkeeping services and systems to track sales and cash flow in order to accurately compensate the government. Additionally, the administrative cost is greatly reduced for persons who take advantage of outsourcing to companies such as FGC Services Limited.